Meet Momotaro, the Peach Boy, a beloved figure from Japanese folklore whose story of bravery and adventure continues to inspire all tattoo enthusiasts. Dive into this enchanting tale of how a miraculous peach brought a hero into the world and set him on a quest to defeat evil and bring hope to his homeland. Get …
Japanese tattoos in Berlin
What better place than at Good Old Times to get yourself some Japanese tattoos in Berlin? With passion and experience we are committed to offering the highest quality Japanese tattoos in the city. The Japanese art of tattooing has its roots in the Japan of ancient times. Sit back, make yourself comfortable and get ready …
Appointment deposit
We put all our love, passion and twenty years of experience into preparing your tattoo designs. To make sure you get the most out of your experience here at Good Old Times Tattoo, please read our blog post carefully to learn more about the appointment deposit rules. Non-refundable appointment deposit Unfortunately in the tattoo world …
Tattoo consultation
Curious about how a typical tattoo consultation at Good Old Times Tattoo Berlin works? Read on to find out more. UNIQUE TATTOOS In a world where everything is just a copy of copies, we stand for tattoos that are unique – just like you. How would you feel if while strolling around you would see …
The Chinese Shuihu Zhuan
Ever heard of the Chinese Shuihu Zhuan? For most people, it probably sounds like the menu of their favourite Asian restaurant. However, few people know that these are Chinese Robin Hoods. They are the model for the Japanese Suikoden of the 18th century. If you’re excited about the topic, enjoy our high-quality Japanese prints in …
The peony
Mankind cultivates the peony plant since the most ancients times. Eastern Asia widely worshippes this flower, far from any comparison of its kind in Europe. The rose without thorns in ancient times Already in ancient times the human being knew the peony. In Greek mythology 2000 years ago Omero mentioned it in the Iliad. The …
Benzaiten and the seven lucky Gods
If you think of the word “happiness” surely many different thoughts will come to your mind. However, if you take a look at Japanese culture, you will quickly come across Benzaiten and the Seven lucky Gods (Shichi Fukujin). In our upcoming blog post, we will explain you their meaning and origin bit by bit. We …
Japanese Hannya Tattoo
Yokai Pretty much everyone who navigates the tattoo scene, at least once stumbled across this horned face with demonic eyes and sharp teeth. The Japanese Hannya tattoo is a very popular motif and you can wear it in all shapes and colours. But what hides behind this mask with distorted facial features? read more about …
The Rise of Irezumi in Japan
Swen Losinsky flew to London to the Hamiltons Gallery to visit Mario Testino’s exhibition “East”. The renowned photographer featured 18 prints that thematizised the rise of Irezumi and compromises two subjects matters: Japanese flowers on golden screens and vividly tattooed men intricately entwined. Flowers in the floating world Inspired by traditional ‘Ukiyo-e‘ (pictures of the …