Due to the COVID-19 in Berlin, from 18.03.2020 Swen Losinsky has indefinitely closed his beloved tattoo shop. This was not an easy decision for him to take.
On one hand, it was morally unacceptable to continue tattooing customers, exposing them to the possibility of infection. On the other hand, it’s for him and his team a huge financial challenge.
Support by the Government
There are official statements from the government on how and when we can expect financial support. The reality is that it will take weeks till they are going to process all requests for financial help. Even longer till everybody will concretely get money.
Another thing we need to think about is that nobody knows how long the quarantine will last. How long it will take till we will be able to work on a regular basis again? Plus, financial help is going to cover business costs only. But business owners also need to cover up their personal living expenses. This, as you can all imagine, adds up to a lot without a monthly income.
We want to be sure that we are not personally responsible of being the linchpin of an infection chain because of keeping the shop open and therefore jeopardizing the lives of elderly people and other groups at risk. Anyone who has ever been at our tattoo studio knows how many international customers come to us to get a tattoo. They all had one thing in common: a lack of awareness about the Corona virus. Thanks to international scientific information we can all correctly inform ourselves.
Corona is not only a beer
Swen now understood that the real problem is not the COVID-19 in Berlin itself, but rather its contagiousness. Because of its rapid transmission, the health system cannot keep up and will slowly start collapsing. This is exactly what is currently happening in Italy. People who are part of risk groups cannot access medical treatment as there are not enough places and ventilators in the hospitals. The doctors and nurses themselves are positive to the virus because there is not enough protective gear available.
Coffee Gossip in Prenzlauer Berg
What does the current Corona situation look like in Berlin?
Young people celebrate in the parks. In Prenzlauer Berg “Zeit für Brot” bursts at the seams and the kids give themselves high five. In Friedrichshain the tennis table is besieged. Lieschen Müller is happy that she can finally really shop for plants in the DIY store.
What we could experience is that there is kind of a folk festival out there. We all have to meander through CrossFit workouts, yoga sessions, family reunions and many other random strolling Berliners.
Up till now most people spent their weekends between iPads and clubs. Now suddenly potato couches and party people feel the urge to go jogging 5 times a day. Because of course, the standard German cannot be limited in its fundamental rights.
Sense of responsibility
Tattoo studios and COVID-19 in Berlin do not fit together, that´s why Good Old Times Tattoo remains temporarily closed.
It is time to take responsibility and abandon our selfish wealth. If possible, just stay at home and engage with yourself. It is also clear to us that not everyone has the luxury of staying at home. If you’re on the road, just keep your distance from others. Be aware that maybe not everyone is as young and fit as you are. Inform yourself correctly before giving incorrect and therefore dangerous informations to others or condemning them for their behaviour.
During the upcoming weeks, just think of your beloved bakery around the corner, the bike store that has always had your back covered, your favourite hairdresser and all the other small activities that keep Berlin alive. They’re having a damn hard time. Instead of ordering from Amazon, they will be happy about any donation or online order.
The team
In the next few weeks, have a look at our website and online shop. There are going to be constant updates and new great original paintings, prints and other items to buy. This is also the perfect time to talk to your tattoo artist about your next project.
Swen for example will use this time to write a few articles about interesting topics belonging to the Japanese and traditional tattoo history, work on new amazing paintings for you and plan new tattoo projects.
For anything you might need or want to know simply write an email at info@goodoldtimestattoo.com.
Stay healthy and see you soon.
Your Good Old Times Tattoo Team.